Never have I ever felt comfortable in the body I have. As a child, I had an expectation to grow up and become as beautiful as Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and all these other ladies I grew up watching on television. I thought that maybe one day, I would become the type of girl people could admire. My hopes were set extremely high, so I have disappointed myself many times. That being said, there have been many instances where I have thrown up the food I have eaten or have just skipped meals all together. It isn’t something to be praised. There isn’t a minute that goes by that I do not get a sick feeling because I do not have a flat stomach, naturally beautiful face, toned arms, skinny thighs, and so on. The worst thing about all of it though is that I know I am not the only one that picks apart every flaw about my body and obsesses over them.

The world is slowly becoming more accepting of body appearance and that is a wonderful thing. Everyone deserves to feel beautiful in the body they have been blessed with. I wish that it would have been more prevalent in my growing up, but it was not. So this is a message to anyone who feels like they are not beautiful enough for life.

YOU are an amazing being. DO NOT let anyone tell you otherwise. So what you do not have a flat stomach and a six pack? Your body should not define how people treat you, as long as you are a nice, thoughtful person, you should feel proud of who you are. If someone feels the need to make a comment about your appearance, then they obviously are not comfortable with themselves. If you want to eat that piece of cake, you eat it. If you want to wear shorts, do it. If you want to go out in a dress, don’t back down. It is time that people stop tearing others down and start praising the natural beauty everyone has.

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